Friday, November 25, 2011

The Otto Club

The world is a busy place and sometimes people just do not have the time to investigate buying a car next - especially when their cars are. The Otto Club ($ 13,500 - $ 35,000) is a Boston-based club that offers members the opportunity to drive some of the best games in the world. Prices are based on a point system, with the red level with 15,000 points - about 20-30 days of Conduct for $ 13 500. The black level, $ 19,500 per year, with 30 000 points, or about 40-60 days of driving. Available cars include the Lamborghini Murcielago, Ferrari 430 Coupe, and the Bentley Continental GT. Unfortunately, the service is only available in the Boston area (I have a club opening soon in the middle), but we talked with the president of the company and assured us that the company has expansion plans in the future. At this point, if you're in Boston and have the means and love cars, take a look.

otto club
Otto cars

otto quiz

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